Buy Cytomid

Cytomid tablets 250mg contain flutamide, an anti-androgen used to treat prostate cancer that is in an advanced stage. Prostate cancer is a testosterone-dependent tumour, which means that it needs testosterone to grow. Testosterone is an androgen or male hormone that is produced in the testes and is responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics, such as facial hair and increased muscle mass; it is also required for the prostate gland to function normally. Flutamide in Cytomid 250 acts as a testosterone that binds to the same receptor in prostate cells as testosterone and blocks the stimulation by testosterone of cancer cell growth, which helps slow or prevent progression of the tumour without activating any normal testosterone actions. Treatment with Cytomid 250 is usually in combination with another medication, a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonist that induces medical castration, which means that testosterone is no longer produced by the testes and this helps in the treatment of prostate cancer. Alternatively, Cytomid 250 is used in combination with surgical castration. Cytomid tablets 250mg may also be used to prevent a flare reaction associated with the initial use of LHRH agonist therapy, which is when large amounts of testosterone are suddenly produced in response to LHRH, before testosterone production is switched off, and may be painful or harmful in advanced prostate cancer which has become metastatic (spread to other sites outside the prostate).
What are the side effects of Cytomid?
The most commonly reported side effects when taking Cytomid tablets 250mg include: gynaecomastia (breast tenderness), diarrhoea, nausea, insomnia, tiredness, galactorrhoea (milk secretion from the nipple) asthenia (feeling weak), feeling generally unwell (malaise), decreased libido, jaundice
When should Cytomid not be used?
You should not use Cytomid tablets 250mg if you:

are allergic to flutamide or any ingredients in Cytomid
are a woman (particularly if pregnant or breastfeeding), as this medication is only for use by men
have liver disease
are taking medicines that interact with Cytomid 250: including: other hormonal therapy including medicines containing androgens and oestrogens, the anticoagulant warfarin, theophylline for asthma.